Held In Customs Frankfurt Wie Lange
DeliusMatt nearly 1 year agone
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Hello. Not certain if this subject has already been discussed as I only opened this business relationship in March . I'one thousand in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland and on quaternary April I sold a 7" record to a heir-apparent in Federal republic of germany. It was a £60 record and despatched with tracking through Royal Mail. I attached an invoice to the exterior of the package and filled in the CN22 correctly. I posted it on Mon 5th April. The problem is information technology has been stuck at German customs since 8th Apr. The status on the royal post site is "Your detail has been received at FRANKFURT/FLUGHAFEN, Germany. More information volition be available as it travels through the network." I so click on Deutschepost.de with the tracking number and appointment of stamp and it tells me "Non-European union item - preliminary import check". That condition has not changed since the 8th April and information technology's now 18th July. The heir-apparent has at present fabricated a merits with paypal for non receipt and has received a full refund. Royal mail will non compensate me because as far as they are concerned it is being held at customs in Frankfurt and is non lost. Is it normal for customs to hold a parcel for over 3 months without actually doing anything with it ?
is there anything else I can exercise besides waiting to encounter if it eventually gets delivered and the buyer offers to pay again or promise it might be returned to me ? Any advice would be appreciated.
BlueSkyVinyl about i year ago
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Are you sure the customer has not received the tape and it is just a case that the mail have not updated their site-That has happened to me a few times?
DeliusMatt well-nigh 1 year ago
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Are you sure the customer has not received the record and it is just a case that the postal service take not updated their site-That has happened to me a few times?Thanks for your respond. The customer says it has not arrived and has claimed and received a full refund last week. I remember this is perfectly fair and I have no reason to believe he is lying. He is very upset that a record he has tried to find for 35 years has non arrived and has been messaging/updating me since the heart of May and we agreed to give it until mid July. He has been very patient but 3 months waiting is enough. I am disappointed for him but likewise unhappy that I seem to accept lost a £60 tape that I have no hope of existence able to replace. I've removed all my listings for now until I determine whether to go along selling, especially to EU countries.
hifi_guy about 1 year ago
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Information technology's highly unusual for a shipment to sit in Frankfurt for so long. In my experience the "Preliminary import check" condition does last longer than it used to, probably due to the huge amount of additional packages they have to fully procedure now (and pobably without increasing their staff...). The last few shipments I received from U.k. and US spent betwixt 7 and fourteen workdays in customs. Which tin grudgingly be accepted although information technology is really unacceptable IMO.
But more than than three months? That'south impossible unless something has happened to the parcel. It's a 7", so it's probably pretty modest – possibly information technology's stuck somewhere behind/under another package and gets overlooked....
I would telephone call / contact DHL (https://www.dhl.de/en/privatkunden/hilfe-kundenservice/sendungsverfolgung/probleme-loesungen.html) and endeavour to request an investigation on the whereabouts of your shipment. Officially, information technology'due south the sender that has to contact them. But with them beingness in Frg and with their only partially translated website, maybe your buyer could try – he has all the data so it shouldn't affair. I did have i packet that hung unusually long in community and finally concluded up calling them. And that seemed to assist. IIRC you only get to the number afterwards clicking through their missing package dialog. -
mrformic about 1 year ago
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We had a massive flooding in some parts of Germany, check the news. Maybe the destination, or roads to destination are flooded, or a sorting hub.
volume_one about 1 year ago
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Last one-half of year (same every bit years before but not so oft) ALL the packages I shipped to Germany take their last tracking condition "Arrived to German customs" or something like that but all buyers messaged me that they have received their orders.
DeliusMatt almost 1 year ago
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We had a massive flooding in some parts of Germany, bank check the news. Maybe the destination, or roads to destination are flooded, or a sorting hub.Yes it'south terribly sorry to see the devastation and loss of life and puts a missing bundle into perspective just I thought the floods were very recent (last week). This parcel has been stuck at Frankfurt (co-ordinate to tracking) since April eighth. Its destination is Hanover .
SynthLover well-nigh ane twelvemonth ago
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Last half of year (same as years before but not so oft) ALL the packages I shipped to Frg have their last tracking status "Arrived to German language customs" or something like that merely all buyers messaged me that they have received their orders.Sometimes tracking is not updated on Royal Mail tracking when shipping to Federal republic of germany. You need to check tracking both on deutschepost.de website and also dhl.de website additionally. Then you might see, that the parcel already has been delivered.
SynthLover about 1 year ago
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This parcel has been stuck at Frankfurt (according to tracking) since Apr 8th. Its destination is Hanover .Maximum community processing time is definitely 6 weeks in Deutschland. I consider the package as lost, or it has been delivered with missing tacking updates. If y'all send me the tracking number as PM, I can check, if I can notice out something more. One problem: tracking data are already deleted on dhl.de after three months subsequently posting, that is also an issue now for your parcel.
SynthLover about i year ago
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Explanation why dhl.de: dhl.de is a co-operative of Deutsche Mail service, same as Parcelforce is a branch of Royal Mail. Sometimes DHL delivers also bigger letter postal service with goods on behalf of Deutsche Post. Tracking data from Deutsche Post and DHL are sometimes not properly linked to each other.
SynthLover about 1 twelvemonth ago
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Royal mail volition not compensate me considering as far every bit they are concerned it is being held at community in Frankfurt and is not lost.That sound similar a very problematic answer from Royal Mail. How long do they call up customs processing volition take? 2 months? 6 months? 3 years? Tin Purple Postal service non imagine, that the bundle was lost at the community processing? Please besides note, claims for lost postal mail tin only be made upwardly to 6 months (or 180 days? non sure well-nigh that) later on posting, co-ordinate to regulations of the Universal Postal Union.
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